Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Haven't been on the blog in a while, but...

Realized that I haven't blogged in a while! Doing this mainly because I'm trying to get another job, and trying not to post anything "too" crazy!

But...I am quite surprised! The swine flu epidemic (or whatever they call it nowadays) will affect my industry! In fact it already has!! Just noticed one student from Mexico who was supposed to start next month couldn't get an F-1 visa because the U.S. Embassy is closed from the Swine Flu epidemic! And...another student from Japan cancelled their studies in the U.S. because their company doesn't want their employees to travel anywhere close to the area of the outbreak ("even though" Nevada is FAR from Mexico City, the epicenter of the epidemic). I'm concerned because this is just the beginning. This epidemic has just started, and like most 'viruses,' eventually it will mutate and we will see an even more lethal form of the virus (yes, I saw the movie "Outbreak").

At my work, we will begin putting alcohol wipes and antibacterial cleansing liquids in all the classrooms. I guess I better buy some disposable masks too??

Anyways, this epidemic, just like SARS back in the early 2000s, and 9/11, will affect IEPs more, for sure!

Which comes to what I have noticed in the industry. If an IEP is 'just' and IEP, something like this could kill the company. In order for an IEP to survive, it must 'diversify.' I see that in my current job, and I also noticed this in other related companies. Teach English, but also do other things. For example, an IEP's "company" I know of also does language teaching in other languages besides English. Other companies may have schools all over the world to diversify. Other companies also provide homestay programs to supplement their income. More companies also teach another subject such as computer science or programming. I personally think that is great idea! Because you are not restricted to teaching English only in your immediate location(s). I will remember what I have learned from this experience!!!

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